Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks With This Hatch Belly Oil


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People say pregnancy is one of the most beautiful life experiences, and nothing can compare to bringing a new life into the world. Watching your body grow and change can be both scary and exciting, and it’s completely normal to miss your pre-pregnancy body. While we encourage everyone to embrace their stretch marks (they’re a reminder that you’re so strong and capable of doing incredible things, like creating a human!), we understand that some people want to prevent or lessen them as much as possible. One of the key ways to do so is by adding a belly oil to your pre and post-natal routine.

One of the best belly oils around is from Hatch. The nutrient-rich oil combines hydrating calendula, sweet almond and grapefruit oils to soothe expanding skin, making it stronger and more resilient. Smoothing it along your belly — and other areas, it’s full-body safe! — daily can help minimize the development of stretch marks and potentially reduce their appearance after birth.

Get the Hatch Belly Oil for $64 on Amazon! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, March 1, 2024, but are subject to change.

Sofia Richie recently sung the praises of this belly oil on TikTok, where she posted a video sharing all of her pregnancy essentials. The model, who is seven months pregnant, slathers the Hatch Belly Oil all over her body after applying a shea butter balm to lock in moisture and prevent stretch marks. “It’s really nice and I’m on my second bottle,” she explains in the video. “I don’t feel disgusting when I put my clothes on over this.” She also adds that after using it every day in tandem with a shea butter, she has yet to experience a single stretch mark. Consistency definitely is key!

Along with Richie, hundreds of Amazon shoppers swear by this “luxurious” oil during their pregnancies. “I hate to attribute a single product to something as universal as stretch marks but I have to say, I did use this and this is my 3rd pregnancy but the first without stretch marks,” one reviewer raved.

Others love it so much, it has become a staple in their beauty routine post-pregnancy too! “I was SO ITCHY when I was pregnant – this is the only thing that helped,” another customer said. “It hydrates without being oily and I love the smell, it’s fresh and clean. I’m almost 8 months postpartum and still use it, I think it’s great to use even if you’re not pregnant. Makes my skin feel healthy and hydrated, even in the winter.”

If you’re worried about stretch marks or are simply trying to curate a pregnancy-safe body care routine, the Hatch Belly Oil is a worthy addition. My recommendation? Stock up while you can, because after Richie’s video, I have a feeling this will sell out fast.

Looking for something else? Shop more from Hatch here and explore more maternity skincare here!

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